Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction: Total Fucking Destruction CD Track Listing

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Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction Total Fucking Destruction
This rock cd contains 15 tracks and runs 39min 25sec.
Freedb: ae093b0f
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: Music



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  1. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Beat Up (01:52)
  2. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Intense Negative Vibe (01:01)
  3. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Warfinger (02:23)
  4. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Mad Pig Disease (02:20)
  5. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - We Are All Elvis Now (03:05)
  6. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - The Speed of Noise (00:56)
  7. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Armed Response (01:34)
  8. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Enslaved By Propaganda (02:12)
  9. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Corpse Position (01:53)
  10. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Y.A.R.N. (00:48)
  11. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Bio-Satanic Terroistic Attack (02:02)
  12. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Kill the Jocks and Eat Their Brains (01:42)
  13. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Box Cutter (01:33)
  14. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Nihilism, Emptiness, Nothingness, Nonsense (06:01)
  15. Zen and the Art of Total Fucking Destruction - Data (09:52)

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