Pink Floyd: 8th RD from the Moon CD 2 CD Track Listing

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Pink Floyd 8th RD from the Moon CD 2 (1969)
This rock cd contains 9 tracks and runs 66min 1sec.
Freedb: 720f7709
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  1. Pink Floyd - Us and Them (02:15)
  2. Pink Floyd - Any Colour you Like (04:35)
  3. Pink Floyd - Brain Damage (04:02)
  4. Pink Floyd - Eclipse (01:19)
  5. Pink Floyd - Shine on you Crazy Diamond 1/5 (13:44)
  6. Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine (08:29)
  7. Pink Floyd - Have a Cigar (06:14)
  8. Pink Floyd - Wish you were here (06:21)
  9. Pink Floyd - Shine on you Crazy Diamond 6/9 (18:56)

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