Silk & Bamboo: Patricia Spero CD Track Listing

A list by checkmate

Silk & Bamboo Patricia Spero (2001)
This newage cd contains 9 tracks and runs 61min 20sec.
Freedb: 650e5e09
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  1. Silk & Bamboo - Lamp of Wisdom (08:31)
  2. Silk & Bamboo - Dawn Wind Bird (01:39)
  3. Silk & Bamboo - Jewelled Lute (07:30)
  4. Silk & Bamboo - Autumn Winds blow on Green Pots (07:08)
  5. Silk & Bamboo - Bridge of Stars (07:07)
  6. Silk & Bamboo - A Misty Twilight Lotus that rises from the River (05:54)
  7. Silk & Bamboo - Dark Dragon (07:51)
  8. Silk & Bamboo - Music of Song (04:57)
  9. Silk & Bamboo - The Moon in Flower Looks on Silent Night (10:38)

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