Top ten worst things about being a Marine

A list by Tommy

These are the ten worst things about being in the US Marines Corps Today



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  1. Being outpaid by a MC Donald's employee who works 1/2 the time you do.
  2. Being told "You're going to (insert war here) soon!" and watching them all on CNN
  3. Leiutenants
  4. Seeing everyone else's spouse or girlfriend cheating on them when they're gone and wondering "What is my spouse/girlfriend doing?"
  5. Curfews as though you are still 14
  6. Being told to try to blend in while on liberty in another country, then being told to get a fresh "high and tight" haircut. Which makes you look like the biggest Marine (target) ever.
  7. Formations
  8. Being late for being 15 minutes early
  9. Watching movies with Marines that have the smallest, best equipmnt. Then looking at all of your worn, torn, and broken gear (weapons included)
  10. Other Marines

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